Monday, January 28, 2013

More Monday Manners: What Ticks you Off?

There are no hard and fast written rules for manners. We learn from our elders, parents, teachers, and friends. But, what about those idiots who wouldn't know kindness if it came up and smacked them upside the head with a two-by-four? Were they raised on Mars?

Example one: I went to the post office today to mail three big packages. An elderly woman walked in behind me after parking in the handicapped spot. She waddled over to get an envelope from the wall and proceeded to fill it out at the side counter. By the time she finished, there were four people in line, so she waddled to the end of the line. I was next to be waited on, so I looked back and said, "Mam, you go ahead. You only have one item." Her eyes lit up and she shuffled forward and thanked the others in line. That is just common courtesy and respect for our elders. I'm hoping to teach by example.

Example two: While I was driving home, I was in the right lane. I could have made a right turn on red, but NOOO! The car in the middle lane on my left, had inched up so close to the intersection, that I couldn't see oncoming traffic. He couldn't go, but he made it impossible for me to turn. I usually hang back when I'm in that situation.Then, don't even get me started about those Pac-Man drivers that zig and zag in traffic, with less than a cars length, they cut in front of you and you are forced to slam on the brakes. Then, ten minutes later, they end up right next to you again. Manners dissuade you from displaying a particular digital acknowledgement.

Example three: I have found that most drivers in the state of Texas believe that turn signals, stop signs and red lights are totally optional. I once asked the mechanic at the car dealership if turn signals were removed before shipping new cars to the state of Texas. Then, there's the four-way stop etiquette. The rule is...stop quickly for a mili-second, then step on the gas. It doesn't matter that three other drivers were stopped before them. No common courtesy on the road.

Example four: But, on the other hand, when a woman walks toward a door, men will open the door for her, tip their hats, or help her lift a heavy bag when a woman is struggling in the Walmart parking lot with a twenty pound bag of dog food. Here in Texas, they say, "Yes mam and no sir." The only thing I can't figure out is why the huge discrepancy. Perhaps, there are different rules for manners on road than there are for kindness to the elderly and women. Oh yes, it seems that the older or the prettier the woman is, the kinder and more helpful the man is. That's just universal

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Can Children Teach by Example?

They say the best way to influence your children is to teach them by example. But, what if children are trying to teach their parents by example?

I always tried to be a good example to my two sons. I like to think that both my husband and I are kind, generous, and all around good people. My sons have turned out to be genuinely wonderful men, and yes, I'm prejudiced, but I think everyone would agree.

Here is where the table have been turned. Both my sons are vegans, and have been for quite a while. Where did I go wrong? They eat mostly fresh fruit and vegetables, and very rarely eat junk food. This means no meat, fish, eggs, or dairy. Basically, it must come from the dirt to the table. This from the little boys who begged to have hot dogs or burgers everyday if they couldn't go to McDonalds.

I have been scolded and schooled on the evils of meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, etc. "Mom, do you know how they treat and butcher those animals?" I've been given many Christmas gifts of books and DVDs on the subject. Their well-meaning gestures and pressures have influenced me somewhat, but my bad habits and taste buds are not completely convinced. Sometimes it's a good thing that they live hundreds of miles away so they can't check up on me all the time.

All their advice is sound and reasonable, but I can't do it all cold turkey. I drink almond milk, gave up soda (most of the time), basically no desserts (unless it's my birthday, or someone else's birthday, or the girl scouts are selling cookies), I've cut back on meat consumption. As my mother-in-law used to say, "Better like nothing."

Thank you, boys, for trying to lead by example. Maybe if you lived a little closer and visited more often, you could be better role models. Hint..hint!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Why write a long, boring craft tutorial when you can just share a photo that pretty much explains it all. Well, almost all.

Today, I thought I'd change things up and share some of my handy-dandy crafting tips. Being a self-professed frugal Baby-Boomer, I'll take this opportunity to confess...I save everything. Yes, everything! Just yesterday, my husband was ready to toss out the 2 inch stub of the romaine lettuce, when I rescued it from the trash saying, " Stop, I'm going to paint roses with that." He doesn't even question anymore. He just shakes his head and walks away. (I'll post the roses another time.)

So, anyway, you know all those paper towel and toilet tissue rolls you have saved after the paper is all used? OK, so you don't have any now, but you will. Well, take 4 or 5 of those rolls and soak in a bowl of water for a few hours, pour the mixture in a blender with a sheet of torn up newspaper,(I know you have that) and pulse the blender a few times until you have paper mush.(technical term) Then add some crumpled rose petals that you have dried and saved after your last birthday or anniversary.(Yes, I have tons of those too.) Pulse a couple more times. Place a splatter screen over an empty bowl or pitcher and pour some of the mixture inside a cookie cutter of your choice. Press inside shape with a damp sponge until most of the moisture gone. Play and experiment. Remove cookie cutter and flip screen over on a paper towel. You can put another paper towel over it and roll with a rolling pin, or just air dry. ( But, the more paper towels you use, the quicker you'll have some of those empty rolls saved up...ha, ha.)

You can use these handmade paper shapes to embellish cards, make jewelry, or larger shapes can be made into books. So many options, so little time. If you need anything, let me know. I've got it saved somewhere.<

Wednesday, January 23, 2013



Today was a sultry summer-like day with sunshine and temps in the 70s. The thing is, it’s the middle of January. What’s going on! I know it’s Texas, but this is unseasonably awesome! After sitting in the house most of the day, doing mundane chores, washing clothes, cleaning the kitchen, etc., I was feeling guilty that I hadn’t even poked my head outside, except to take out the garbage cans.

For the past couple years, my daily routine used to include walking the dog for about an hour. Rain or shine, we were out there. But, ever since we got the puppy, life has been too hectic. Poor old Prince looks at me with longing every afternoon. Whenever I put on my tennis shoes, he whimpers with anticipation, but little Buck is a nut case, and there’s no way I can take them both for a walk. Prince and I have both put on a few pounds since the little guy has come to live with us.

Did I say little guy? The nine month old pup is now bigger and taller than his older counterpart, and that’s pretty big. By 4 pm, the sunshine was beckoning me, and I couldn’t stand it any more. I decided to take the pup out for his first ever walk on a leash. The tricky part was sneaking out the backyard gate while Prince was napping in the house.

Buck enjoyed the leash. He enjoyed chewing on the leash, grabbing at it, and trying to pull it out of my hand. He had never been in the front yard before, so every bush and shrub was enticing. Everything was new and exciting. I decided that we would only practice walking past a few houses on the block. We were doing great until all the neighborhood dogs decided to greet us from their backyard fences. Buck jumped a mile, returning his most ferocious bark.

Poor old Prince heard his little protege barking from inside the house. Now, he was inside barking like crazy, and Buck was outside barking his brains out. That was the end of “out with the new dog and in with the old dog.”

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Taco Tuesday

There are two words that can bring delight to my heart, and they are...Taco Tuesday! I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to texting, but when I hear that little "ping" and my friend, Karen, sends a text that only reads...Taco Tuesday, with a question mark, I'm quick on the draw with a two letter reply..O and K.

The food at Rosa's Cafe in McKinney isn't out of this world fantastic, but it is pretty good, and the three taco platter is so darn cheap, I couldn't make it at home for the price.(Under $4 on Tuesday) Believe me, I should know. I've been making delicious homemade tacos since I was a little señorita.

But, it isn't just the food, colorful decor, and authentic ambiance that entices me. I thoroughly enjoy an impromptu lunch invitation from a friend. It means we get to sit for a couple hours jabbering about our week, complaining about our husbands, and extolling the praises of our now grown children. Funny how, as the children get older and move out of the house, they tend to become so wonderful and accomplished, and when the husbands are around all the time, they tend to lose their glowing status and credibility. I guess we just need something to complain about.

The point I'm trying to make is, friendships are special, and Girlfriends are extra special. So if you have the opportunity to make someone's day with a note, a call, or an impromptu lunch, JUST DO IT! And to quote Carly Rae Jepsen..."Here's my number. Call me maybe."

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Manners

Who would have thought that good manners or proper etiquette would be the exception rather than the rule? It appears that being polite may often attract more attention than rudeness.

Case in point: My husband and I often have the opportunity to catch a movie during the week. The theater is usually quite empty in the afternoon, so we never have to wait in line to purchase tickets or popcorn. I wouldn't say that we go often, but probably twice a month. So, I was very amazed when the young man at the counter asked, "You guys are in here a lot, aren't you?"

I responded, "Well, I guess so. Why do you ask?"

He smiled and said, "I remember you. You're always so polite."

Then, I realized that whenever I ask for something or place an order, even at a fast-food restaurant, I always say, "May I have the...(whatever I am ordering)?" Inadvertently, I am always the recipient of a big smile and the response of, "Yes, you MAY."

It's funny, I never noticed this until the young man commented on my manners. He obviously wasn't used to it. How sad! I decided to pay closer attention to other customers and their manners. Oh my, was I shocked and disappointed, to say the least.

Examples: 1. Gimme the number three. 2. I need a large decaf, extra cream. 3. I'll take a pound of the smoked turkey, sliced thin. The list goes on and on. I don't think I ever heard the words "May I."

Doesn't anyone say, "May I," anymore? My mother insisted that her children always asked with "May I," and NEVER, "Can I." We were never allowed to ask for something to eat or drink when visiting family or friends. We had to wait to be offered refreshments. I still remember the old, "Children should be seen and not heard," drummed into our heads. Etiquette and manners were mandatory.

Hopefully, this age of high-speed informality, and digitally driven rudeness will not prevail. May I make a suggestion? Let's all remember our manners out there folks!

Sanctimonious Sunday

SWS is a very serious affliction plaguing the country this time of year, especially on Sundays. It’s not Swine Flu or any other form of influenza. No, it’s Sports Widow Syndrome, and it has hit all time epidemic proportions. Severe and debilitating side-effects may include charge card trigger finger, excessive chocolate consumption, red wine whining, shortness of breath, and depression with occasional thoughts of manslaughter.

If you experience any of these symptoms, call a girlfriend or female family member immediately. Do not attempt to drive while under the influence of a three margarita lunch, a shopping frenzy at the mall, or if chocolate overdose is suspected. Notify your sister or a neighbor as soon as possible if you start sharpening all the kitchen knives and meat cleavers or start frantically scouring the drawers for the gun safe key.

Remember that Sunday is a sacred day. It’s a time for prayer, meditation, and reflection. If fourteen hours of consecutive pre-game, post-game, regulation and over-time madness is just too much to handle, hopefully there is another television somewhere in the house. Make some microwave popcorn and settle in with the Hallmark or Lifetime Channel. It certainly beats life in prison. But then again, they don’t have televised football, basketball, baseball or hockey in maximum security.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Morning and Mayhem

 Monday and mayhem always follows a lazy Sunday. I don't know why, but it does. All the procrastination of just one lazy day, rolls into an upheaval of piled up chores, bills to pay, errands to run, and people to see. The coup de grâce, (pardon my French), is always "waking up to Folgers in your cup," and a living room strewn with shredded puppy toys and miles of cotton as far as the eye can see. Yes, we have a puppy. Not your average, cute as a button puppy, but a humongous, big as a pony puppy. 

 Today was just another waking nightmare, one of many, with no end in sight. Now that the pup is able to stand on his hind legs and leisurely place his front paws on the kitchen counter, island or table, he has decided that it is his God-given duty to grab anything that isn't nailed down, or chew on anything that is. This morning he helped himself to an entire bag of dog treats, a green highlighter pen, a dish cloth and the Wall Street Journal. Not a bad days work...more like thirty seconds! He's "Thunderbolt and lightning. Very, very frightening me! Gallileo, Gallileo." You know the rest, and the song will be in your head for the rest of the day.

 My friends and family enjoy the stories, photos and videos. They smile and empathize, but I know in their hearts that they think I'm just plain ol' crazy. Why am I taking pictures and writing about the mayhem? Well, it's the only thing that keeps me hanging on. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and man...I'm getting pretty strong. When I am asked, "So, how long does this terrible stage last?" I reply, "Just two or three years!" The sad part is, that's the truth. Thank goodness for nap time. His, not mine. I don't get a nap.That's the only time I can get any writing done. Oops! Nap time over. Back to very, very frightening me!